Current Issue : October - December Volume : 2013 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 5 Articles
The authors propose a comparison between two force-position controllers with gravity compensation simulated on the DEXTER\r\nbioinspired robotic arm.The two controllers are both constituted by an internal proportional-derivative (PD) closed-loop for the\r\nposition control.The force control of the two systems is composed of an external proportional (P) closed-loop for one system (P\r\nsystem) and an external proportional-integrative (PI) closed-loop for the other system (PI system). The simulation tests performed\r\nwith the two systems on a planar representation of theDEXTER, an eight-DOF bioinspired arm, showed that by varying the stiffness\r\nof the environment, with a correct setting of parameters, both systems ensure the achievement of the desired force regime and with\r\ngreat precision the desired position.Thetwo controllers do not have large differences in performance when interacting with a lower\r\nstiffness environment. In case of an environment with greater rigidity, the PI system is more stable.Thesubsequent implementation\r\nof these control systems on theDEXTER robotic bioinspired armgives guidance on the design and control optimisation of the arms\r\nof the humanoid robot named SABIAN....
This paper presents novel fourth- and sixth-order polynomials to solve the problem of joint-space trajectory generation with a via\r\npoint. These new polynomials use a single-polynomial function rather than two-polynomial functions matched at the via point as\r\nin previous methods. The problem of infinite spikes in jerk is also addressed....
Speech emotion recognition is currently an\r\nactiveresearchsubjectandhasattractedextensiveinterest\r\nin the science community due to its vital application to\r\nhumanrobot interaction. Most speech emotion\r\nrecognition systems employ highdimensional speech\r\nfeatures, indicating human emotion expression, to\r\nimproveemotionrecognitionperformance.Toeffectively\r\nreduce the size of speech features, in this paper, a new\r\nnonlinear dimensionality reduction method, called\r\nenhanced kernel isometric mapping (EKIsomap), is\r\nproposedandapplied forspeechemotionrecognition in\r\nhumanrobotinteraction.Theproposedmethodisusedto\r\nnonlinearly extract the lowdimensional discriminating\r\nembedded data representations from the original high\r\ndimensionalspeechfeatureswithastrikingimprovement\r\nofperformanceonthespeechemotionrecognitiontasks.\r\nExperimental results on the popular Berlin emotional\r\nspeech corpus demonstrate the effectiveness of the\r\nproposedmethod....
Dynamic and unstructured multiple cooperative autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) missions are highly complex operations,\r\nand task allocation and path planning are made significantly more challenging under realistic underwater acoustic communication\r\nconstraints. This paper presents a solution for the task allocation and path planning for multiple AUVs under marginal acoustic\r\ncommunication conditions: a location-aided task allocation framework (LAAF) algorithm for multitarget task assignment and the\r\ngrid-basedmultiobjective optimal programming (GMOOP) mathematical model for finding an optimal vehicle command decision\r\ngiven a set of objectives and constraints. Both the LAAF andGMOOP algorithms are well suited in poor acoustic network condition\r\nand dynamic environment. Our research is based on an existing mobile ad hoc network underwater acoustic simulator and blind\r\nflooding routing protocol. Simulation results demonstrate that the location-aided auction strategy performs significantly better than\r\nthe well-accepted auction algorithm developed by Bertsekas in terms of task-allocation time and network bandwidth consumption.\r\nWe also demonstrate that the GMOOP path-planning technique provides an efficient method for executingmultiobjective tasks by\r\ncooperative agents with limited communication capabilities. This is in contrast to existing multiobjective action selection methods\r\nthat are limited to networks where constant, reliable communication is assumed to be available...
The goal of this paper is to analyze the static stability of a computational architecture, based on the Passive Motion Paradigm, for\r\ncoordinating the redundant degrees of freedom of a humanoid robot during whole-body reachingmovements in bipedal standing.\r\nThe analysis is based on a simulation study that implements the Functional Reach Test, originally developed for assessing the\r\ndanger of falling in elderly people. The study is carried out in the YARP environment that allows realistic simulations with the iCub\r\nhumanoid robot....